I am Back!
Sorry for being MIA for so long,
things had gotten a little crazy around here
with the new Grandbaby (they live with us)
and I keep her while her mom (Crystal goes to school)
Also my Mother-In-Law passed away, she had Alzheimer's
her memory was getting real bad.
Her health just got bad real fast
She will be missed very much
I truly loved her!
Ok so on to some happier
This is what I have come up with for the ADSD blog train
I hope you like it
The QP is added in with the kit
By the way that is a pick of my newist Grandbaby
EMMA at 3 days old!
sorry links have expired
So now finish snaggin all the rest and have fun Scrappin!!
- Wendy & Sarah - http://www.kikkinkreations.blogspot.com/
- Angie (Elemental Pixie) - http://elementalpixie.blogspot.com/
- Gina - http://gina-moondancecreations.blogspot.com/
- Judith - http://justanotherscrap.wordpress.com/
- Becky http://beckysscrap.blogspot.com/
- A Changed Heart Designs - http://mommyaddictedtoscraps.blogspot.com/
- Lei - http://fairydustprincess-magicmaker.blogspot.com/
- Adele http://blindsightdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Bonnie - http://maltesescrapper.com/
- DesignsByAmilyn - http://www.designsbyamilyn.blogspot.com/
- Candie - http://candiescreations.blogspot.com/
- Cindi http://harley310.blogspot.com/
- Linda @ http://lindasdreamdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Donna - http://www.tootlebugz.com/
- Gail - http://gails-space.blogspot.com/
- Aubrey's Mom - http://scrappinbyaubreysmom.blogspot.com/
- Jessie - http://stormiescraps.blogspot.com/
- Vero - http://thescrappingtree.blogspot.com/
- Crystal - http://www.digitalscrapfun.blogspot.com/
- Diana - http://digitaldezerts.blogspot.com/
- Penny - http://alliekatcreations.blogspot.com/
- Mary - http://barkingpenguinscraps.blogspot.com/
- Anne http://mousee23.sosblog.com/index.htm
- Arvita's - http://arvita-elams-flights-of-fancy.blogspot.com/
- desiab @ Crafter's Boutique -- http://craftersboutique.blogspot.com/
- Manda- http://www.disasterindesigns.com/
- Wendi @ Willow Grace Designs - http://willowgracedesigns.blogspot.com/
- Buzybee (Penny Lewis) - http://buzybeehive.blogspot.com/
- Deanna at Flower Scraps - http://flowerscrap.blogspot.com/
- Debbie -You are Here
- Jenn Gigowski of BMC - http://busybeingblessed.com/
- WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations http://www.purpledragonflycreations.blogspot.com/
- Jen - http://scrappingwithjen.blogspot.com/
- Catmom - http://the-cats-meow-catmom.blogspot.com/
- Bits N Bobs - http://scrappingbits.blogspot.com/
- Morgaine Creations© - http://morgainecreations-gone-scrappy.blogspot.com/
- CATT - http://cattscrapps.blogspot.com/
- Deb - http://thescrappincop.blogspot.com/
- Dawne of Desert Bloom Designs - http://desertbloomdesigns.blogspot.com/
- EmCeeScraps - http://emceescraps.blogspot.com/
- Vintage Paris Princess Designs - http://vintageparisprincess.blogspot.com/
- Erikia {aka PinkuPixie} - http://ppbits.blogspot.com/
- Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara - http://creativedigitalscraps.blogspot.com/
- Joni - http://bouquetofpixels.blogspot.com/
- Lynn - http://themathematiciansassistant.com/
What a marvelous gift! thank you soooo much for your generosity in sharing your portion of this great blog train kit!
I am loving this whole kit - thank you so much!
Thank you so much for sharing!
love this, so adorable, thank you
Thanks for sharing. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawaii)
thank you for a lovely part to the blog train.
Thank you so much - your kit is just wonderful.
Thanks so much - love your part
Shalom Thank you so very much for the wonderful gift. My condolences on your Mother-In-Law. My dad died a couple of years ago. I will keep your family in my prayers. Congrats on new grandbaby Emma!!!
Your kit is lovely. Thank you for finding the time!
Thanks for sharing & Happy Valentine's Day!
Hello Debbie,
thank you for share your part with us. Pls look on my blog,i made a scrap with "choco&herry"-blogtrain-kits.
Have a nice sunday
Doro from Germany
What an adorable frame!!!! It shows off your grandbaby so nicely! Thank you!
This is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
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